Proper Noun Themed Education Resources

A proper noun is the specific name of a person, place, or thing and always begins with a capital letter. Activities could include identifying proper nouns in stories, labeling maps with city names, or creating a list of students' names and famous landmarks. Encourage children to recognize and capitalize proper nouns in their daily writing.

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Capital First Words And Proper Nouns
Capital First Words And Proper Nouns
Capitals and Proper Nouns
Capitals and Proper Nouns
Common & Proper Noun French Fries
Common & Proper Noun French Fries

Proper nouns are specific names of people, places, or things that are always capitalized. To teach kids about proper nouns, create worksheets, flashcards, and activities that encourage them to identify and use them in context.

Worksheets can include exercises where students underline proper nouns in sentences, or fill in blanks with the correct proper noun. Flashcards could display names of famous people, cities, or brands, prompting kids to identify the proper noun and explain its significance.

Interactive activities can involve categorizing proper nouns into types, such as names of countries, cities, or fictional characters. Games like matching proper nouns to their corresponding places or people can reinforce the concept in a fun and engaging way.